Monday, March 4, 2013

Review by a blogger. 5 out of 5. WOO HOO!

Seeing Red by Sidney Halston
Review by Tammy
Sidney Halston brings us an interesting tale of adventure and romance with several interesting twists! Our story begins with Helen, a mysterious woman who is a writer. But is really so much more. Add in a plane crash, a new born without a mother and a host of other crash survivors including a woman pregnant with twins. This story told from the views of Jillian, Alexander and Oliver will definitely capture your attention and hold it until the dramatic, intriguing end to this first in a series.
As all children do, Jillian, Alexander and Oliver grew up to be great adults with a complicated history. When does friendship end? Can you turn a friendship into more without losing your best friends? What if there’s a twist? You have a connection deeper than anyone would’ve guessed.
It can be done. Love will prevail. Friendship remains. But how does it happen? So many turns in the road it’s inexplicable without adding spoilers! I definitely am excited to see what the second book brings. Sidney Halston has given to us romance, adventure, intrigue and an extra little ability that will add an interesting twist.

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